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we Think about "The System"
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My Experience of Schizophrenia and Recovery - by Chris Andrew
What the Experience of Schizophrenia Meant to Me - By Chris Andrew
The Zombie Syndrome - Chris Barchard warns of overmedication
I Went For Help - Jargon experienced first-hand - by Chris Barchard
Is there a limit to Empowerment - by Chris Barchard
A Life Beyond Psychiatry - by Chris Barchard
User Representation - A Satirical Glimpse by Chris Barchard
Tranks for the Help - poem by Chris Barchard
User Empowerment - by Chris Barchard
Inside a Special Hospital - personal account by a prisoner
Psychiatry and the Disempowered Writer - by Grégor Samsa
Psychiatric Truth: Valid Or A Mere Expediency? - by Grégor Samsa (writing as a long-term inmate of a secure hospital)
Bad Mental Things Come From Pain, Not Illness - commentary by Terry Simpson
Social Inclusion - is it up to you? - NIMHE and all that
Madness Exalted - by Miranda Arkwright
MIND Conference 2006 : Harrogate 15th and 16th March - a report
MIND Conference 2008 : Brunel University 16th and 17th June - another interesting report - Poverty/Debt and Mental Health
How Some of Our Ancestors were Treated in the Early 20th Century - by Edwin Martin
ECT No Rights for the Patient - by Edwin Martin
The Case Against ECT - by Robert Dando
A SURVIVOR IS FOR LIFE - by Stephen Owen
The System by Stephen H
Big Brother - Lunatic Asylum style by Tawana
The Chemical Straightjacket - by Stephen Owen
Psychiatric Hell - by George McGregor
Psychiatry and the Disempowered Writer - by Grégor Samsa
24,000 Brains were "Secretly Removed" - David Peacock blows the whistle on this scandal!
My Experience of Hospital - by Patrick Kenny
The Enslavement of The Sick - the government Mental Health Act and other policies depicted in cartoon form like Nazi concentration camps
Hypomania - by Ann Hughes
Misrepresentation - by Ann Hughes
More about the Mental Health Act by Amy Ford
Split Vote on Schizophrenia - Bob Axford reports
Doctor Do 2 Little by Paul
Socialism and the Psychiatric Ward by Peter Charleton
Something to Think About by Anon, reviewing the debate at the Royal College of Psychiatrists about the Mental Health Act
Mental Health Services Make Me Mad! by Jo Aylott
Recovery 2007 Style by John Exell
Time for my Jab by Alex Davidson
Benefits by WuShan
Users and survivors protest against the Mental Health Bill by Symon Price
Cannabis and Mental Health - by Sophie
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