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SistersExperience of PsychosisPerceptions Forum
15th Floor
89 Albert Embankment

Dear Forum artists,

Hello every one at the voices forum my name is Liza and I have recently started a project in which we were told about the voices forum and I am genially inspired how with such a struggle you can still find a way to turn to art. I am very drawn in by your artwork because I know that there is a reason and feeling for your paintings.

I am studying at the moment how you use art as a means of survival. I am at Grantham college studying art and design crafts, and we were told about the forum in our key skills class. I have had really bad experiences when I was once in the army and as you do, I used art to escape and forget about all the problems. Even if was just for five minutes those minutes made the day a little easier to cope with.

I like all the art on the website but mostly I really like
Maureen Oliver’s. I have sent her a few emails, and we have been chatting. Her picture “experience of psychosis” is one of my favourites along with “sisters” which is my favourite. It makes me think of my sister and myself.

Experience of Psychosis Sisters

Experience of Psychosis


I would be overjoyed if anyone could possibly reply back, to tell me a little bit about their lives and their struggles. I know I could probably never understand, but to know a little more, it would be brilliant.

My key skills teacher Sue will be at the voices forum annual meeting and she might be taking a piece of my work, which I related to
Maureen Oliver’s work. So if any of you were going to be at the meeting, it would be really nice to get some of your comments about the picture.

I hope to hear from you soon, yours sincerely. Liza Elshom.